Solve Realtek RTL8723BE weak WIFI signal problem in Ubuntu
When I switched to Ubuntu from Windows, I faced a weak WiFi signal problem on my Linux machine. The WiFi connects to my router only when I sit next to it. I got frustrated with this and got a thought of switching back to Windows from Ubuntu. Later, I googled about this and found a solution for it.
Here are the simple steps to solve the weak wifi signal problem in Ubuntu :
Open Terminal, type the below command and hit enter.
Remember or note down the wlp number. In my case, its ‘wlp3s0’.
Download the drivers from Github and unzip them.
In the terminal, type the below commands and press enter
cd Downloads
cd rtlwifi_new-master
sudo make install
Type your ubuntu password.
sudo modprobe -rv rtl8723be
sudo modprobe -v rtl8723be ant_sel=2
sudo ip link set wlp3s0 up
Type below command to scan all available networks with strong signal strength.
sudo iw dev wlp3s0 scan
To save the setting permanently, type the below command and press enter.
echo "options rtl8723be ant_sel=2" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/50-rtl8723be.conf
Note: You need to apply these settings again after the Kernal update to get strong signal strength.
If the above drivers didn’t work, try downloading the drivers below.
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